Iroquois Linguistics Certificate Application Instructions

Current Students

An Internal Admission Application, supplemental statement, and placement exams are required.

  1. Complete PDF of Internal Admission Application
    Use codes: Program: AS Plan: IR30CRT

  2. Complete PDF of Supplemental Statement
    Please provide a statement of 150 words or less expressing your interest in and commitment to the Certificate in Iroquois Linguistics. Describe the background experiences you have had in Iroquois language study or Linguistics (or both). Indicate the languages you have worked with and your personal goals for the future concerning Iroquois languages.
    Send completed supplemental statement form to College of Arts & Sciences, Native Studies Department, 508 Hall of Languages, or attach by e-mail to Percy Abrams,
  3. Complete the Iroquois linguistics aptitude test Part A online.
    You have 20 minutes to complete this online test. Hint: It is helpful to have a paper and pencil to work out your answers.
    Iroquois Linguistics Aptitude Test Part A Online
  4. Complete the Iroquois linguistics aptitude test Part B online.
    You have 5 minutes to complete this online test. There are 4 pages, use the arrow button on the bottom right to advance to the next page.
    Iroquois Linguistics Aptitude Test Part B Online

New Students

Part-time application, supplemental statement, and placement exams are required. No application fee is required of the Certificate.

  1. Complete Part Time Application
    Send completed application to the College of Professional Studies, 700 University Ave, Syracuse, NY  13244.
    Part Time Application
  2. Complete PDF of Supplemental Statement
    Please provide a statement of 150 words or less expressing your interest in and commitment to the Certificate in Iroquois Linguistics. Describe the background experiences you have had in Iroquois language study or Linguistics (or both). Indicate the languages you have worked with and your personal goals for the future concerning Iroquois languages.
    Send completed supplemental statement form to College of Arts & Sciences, Native Studies Department, 508 Hall of Languages, or attach by e-mail to Percy Abrams,
  3. Please complete the Iroquois linguistics aptitude test Part A online.
    You have 20 minutes to complete this online test. Hint: It is helpful to have a paper and pencil to work out your answers.
    Iroquois Linguistics Aptitude Test Part A Online
  4. Please complete the Iroquois linguistics aptitude test Part B online.
    You have 5 minutes to complete this online test. There are 4 pages, use the arrow button on the bottom right to advance to the next page.
    Iroquois Linguistics Aptitude Test Part B Online

For more information, contact the instructor, Percy Abrams,